Student Gravience

It is good to air a grievance rather than to keep it bottled up. Protection of human rights is essential for all round development of an individual’s personality. To realize the primary needs of the students and staff and secure civil liberties for everybody, a Grievance Redressal Cell has been constituted. The cell is indented to find solutions for problems like Sexual harassment – any kind of physical or mental harassment, Complaints regarding class room teaching – Class room management, completion of syllabus, teaching methods etc, If and when they arise. The Grievance Redressal Cell convenes meetings periodically and takes steps to redress the grievance.

Objectives : The objective of the Grievance Redressal Cell is to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the Institute. The objectives of the Grievance Redressal Cell are:

  1. To develop an organizational framework to resolve Grievances of Students and other stakeholders
  2. To provide the Students access to immediate, hassle free recourse to have their Grievances redressed
  3. To enlighten the Students on their duties and responsibilities to access benefits due under the policies
  4. To establish structured interactions with Students to elicit information on their expectations
  5. To identify systemic flaws in the design and administration of various general insurance products and to seek solutions thereon, and
  6. To institute a monitoring mechanism to oversee the functioning of the Grievance Redressal Policy


  1. The final responsibility for Grievance Redressal rests with the Principal of the College.
  2. The College expects that Grievance Redressal be time bound and result oriented. Every Grievance is expected to be resolved within a maximum period of fifteen working days.
  3. The Grievance Redressal Cell of the college shall monitor status and progress of Grievance Redressal and shall furnish quarterly report on Grievance Redressal position to the Principal.


The Grievance Redressal cell of the college functions with the following purposes

  • To ensure a democratic environment in the campus,
  • To acquaint all the teacher-trainees about their rights and duties,
  • To solve the various personal and educational related grievances of the teacher-trainees,
  • To make the institution student friendly, and
  • To ensure the qualitative as well as quantitative development of the institution through the grievance and Redressal cell.


The Grievance Redressal Cell of the college generally is having the provision of two/three teaching staffs as its member and the principal as the chairman. The cell is having the provision of being reconstituted every year if situation arises for so by the principal himself along with suggestions sought from the in charge administrative body. Care is taken to select staff members from each

The following staff members are in the charge of this cell.

  1. Dean, Faculty of Science, TU- Chairman
  2. Principal, Tripura  Institute  of Technology,  Narsingarh- Member
  3. Principal/Principal-In-charge,    Women's  Polytechnic- Member
  4. Sri. Shibendu Debbarma, Dept.  of  IT, TU- Member
  5. Director,  CDC,TU- Member Secretary

Grievance Redressal Portal

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